Greenbelt student travels to US for Summer programs.

Makhol on his trip to the US

Makhol, a graduate from Greenbelt, is nineteen years old and the third oldest child from a family of nine children. He joined Greenbelt Academy in 2009 and loved his time there. When asked what he loved most about Greenbelt, he said “What I love most about Greenbelt is the community. I really feel like I am part of a bigger community as a student at this school.”

Makhol took advantage of the opportunities of this community, joining plenty of clubs and activities at Greenbelt. In Grade 9, he served as the president of the debate club. After that, he also joined the mathematics club, the acting club, and the drama club. He also took advantage of the opportunities to travel for his education. In 2019, Makhol applied for and was admitted to the Notre Dame Summer Scholars program. He attended this program, studying in the Poverty and Justice Program where he hoped to learn new ideas that he could share with his community members back home regarding the issues they are facing.

It is this goal of finding solutions to societal problems that drives Makhol to pursue his education so passionately. When talking with a Notre Dame student, he stated “Education is very good because it allows people to interact and recognize what’s lacking in a community and be the solution.” Going forward, Makhol hopes to continue his journey of education and bring change to South Sudan. After graduating from Greenbelt, he was accepted into the African Leadership Academy and is currently attending classes in Johannesburg. Education Bridge is proud of Makhol’s current successes, and we look forward to seeing the impact he has on South Sudan going forward. Makhol ended his interview by stating, “I have a strong affection for my homeland. There is nowhere I would rather be than South Sudan. It is not running away from our problems that will solve them.”


Greenbelt Students Win 2019 Debate Scholars Cup


From Greenbelt to the University of North Carolina, Ajier’s Story.